After doing some serious poking, I found out just what was really about. Often times with serviced based websites that help indie film makers there is a convoluted system that leaves us tangled and confused. When it comes to the IndeiSkedge approach, simplicity is king. Not only does their system allow for ease of use it is also done in a timely manner. It’s so easy for companies of this nature to take their sweet time on things, but as independent film makers, time is our most important asset. The ulitimate question that I ask myself when looking at these type of websites is: What services do I need? What are the cost of said services?

Lets talk about a services that I think a lot of indie studios need. IndieSkript, according to their website IndieSkript is “online script writer” (a la Amazon StoryWriter or their ancient and expensive cousins Frinal Draft and Celtx…) “designed to make the business or script writing fun and easy!” The last part is key, the established players in the market have a vested interest in keeping things the same… After all, the status quo favors them - not independent creators. Likewise, those companies impose barriers to entry by over charging for a product or service that is not up to par with industry standards of today. At the very least services like IndieSkript have my curiosity because there is a paradigm shift in the way that things are done. The cost is so low that it seems like they’re really trying to do this to help out the little guy which, for me at least, is worth checking out. Film makers should take advantage of services that make their lives easier and their creations better. Especially when those services meet their needs without all the fluff and associated headaches.

Another service that I found really interesting was the IndieSkedge service itself. The idea of having a scheduling platform that works, that allows you to plan your film schedule and events is a dream come true. It helps keep everyone in your production up to date. There have been so many times where there has been a schedule change and we have to take the time to individually call, email, and text the whole crew. It can be a total pain. But with IndieSkedge the weight is lifted. Currently it’s in closed Beta, but drop the team a line at and I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to hook you up!

These services are there for indie filmmakers. Why not use them? The only way to know for sure if you like a services is if you use there services yourself. Yes, you can watch all the youtube videos, and read all the the articles in the universe. Those can be a great way to point you in the right direction. That being said until you are there in the drivers seat you really don’t know. Being organized, having a plan, and being able to know what tools to use are some crucial elements to any production. As film makers we have a duty to not wast people time, energy, and money. Of course there are hic ups, but minimizing the potential problems is part of being prepared.

All in all, IndieSkedge looks very promising. Its going to be very interesting how services like these shake the market up a bit.

You should check it out!