Save yourself the heartache that can come from an improperly formatted script.

If you’re looking to make a mark in screenwriting, let me advise you on something, make sure you get the details right. Probably the easiest way to do that is to give yourself some guardrails and use some good quality software to make sure your script is properly formatted and adheres to industry standards.

I’m absolutely serious about this. Most agents and producers won’t even look at a script that hasn’t been written in a way that is deemed proper by them.

I guess that’s understandable, from their viewpoint. If you’re a big industry hotshot, you don’t have time to waste on something that was done the right way, the first time.

Still, this is very discouraging to the writer who spent hours putting their heart and soul into that project. As mentioned I’m a freelance writer, my husband is an independent filmmaker and writer as well. We’ve both been discouraged at times, and had our work rejected, or thrown away, because of a spacing error, or format problems.

We were saddened when we first learned this had happened to us, but you learn from your mistakes and move on. I titled this “save yourself from heartache” because I don’t want other fellow writers to experience these feelings.

It’s not good when you hear your work wasn’t even looked at, it was just tossed in the trash.

That’s why it’s so important to use the proper tools - not only does it make your life easier and prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot, it let’s you focus on what you’re good at - writing.

And here’s my solution for this problem:

It’s easy to use, easy to understand. It has tutorials which explain everything for you. It’s a real time saver because it does all the work for you. It’s also a lot easier to use than the other software that is out there, but we’ll talk more about that later.

All you really have to do is type, push a button and your work is instantly transformed into screenplay format. This is a very useful tool that all writers should know about.

So, save yourself from heartache and rejection.

Here’s the link to get started!, give it a try.