I’m a freelance writer and self published author. I’m always seeking new ways to be creative and further my knowledge and love for writing.

The one field that always eluded me, was screenwriting. I had the story in mind, and I could put the words on paper, but not in the correct way that it was supposed to be written. This was frustrating, because to me, it meant that people were missing out on reading my work because I didn’t understand the proper format.

I wasn’t sure where to put my dialogue, how to add in my locations, or set up the scenes. In a book, it’s sort of easy, everything just kind of runs together in the paragraph. A screenplay is different, it’s meant for the screen. So, it must be formatted properly, because it’s meant to be seen rather than read.

I was so frustrated and upset that I couldn’t get past this problem. I decided to give up on screenwriting, and probably novel writing as well.

I wanted a new direction for my writing.

I spend a lot of time online, poking around, researching things, trying to learn new things. I heard about this amazing new tool that is supposed to make screenwriting easier.

I thought, “What? That can’t be right. That process is way too complicated to be learned so quickly.”

I clicked the link to this site, www.indieskript.com, not really expecting much. I created an account, and logged in. I took a brief tour of the site.

I thought it was just another notepad, like the ones on my phone. There’s no shortage of ideas in my head, so I started typing.

I pushed some of the things on the site, I was shocked to see my writing was taking shape of what it was supposed to be.

I pushed a button for dialogue, my characters sounded like they were actually speaking to eachother.

I was seriously shocked by this. How could a simple website do something this cool, something that even the most experienced writers have a hard time with?

You can write literally any story on there, and it will help format it in screenplay form. You can add dialogue, location, different acts, anything you can think of.

If you are serious about writing, or just starting, or whatever, you need to take advantage of this. This website can help you take your writing to the next level.

Here’s the link again, give it a shot. I know I definitely will.