Do you have ideas that are constantly crossing your mind that you feel are different from what you see out in theaters, tv, or social media, but don’t know where to start? Well, what’s the foundation for every film project? The script! A good place to begin learning how to screenwrite is school. That’s what I eventually did when I attended the New York Film Academy for the filmmaking program that included a class in screenwriting. But if money is a problem you can read a variety of scripts along with watching tutorials that can be found online to get a feel of formatting and story structure.

Before you get started on the script make sure you know how you want the story to go. It’s very difficult to start writing the script without knowing the beginning, middle, and most importantly the ending. Outline the story to make it easier on you when adding in the dialogue. Create character bio’s to help determine what their ultimate wants are through each scene.

Once you get those first few pages out of the way your mind will develop a flow for the story. That is depending how much time you spend on the script. Start off with one or two hours a day outside of your job focusing on the story. This can help install important concepts such as patience and discipline that can be used in other aspects of life. Making it a habit to sit down, think, and write about a world you’re trying to create can be frustrating, but that is why you must remind yourself to be patient. The more you do ANYTHING the better you get.

Don’t over think about how bad your writing may be. Try to see the glass half full. Look around and notice others who are in worse situations than you, and use that to motivate your own interests. I’m sure you see others succeeding that you feel aren’t that talented. Well, did you ever question their drive? That’s what will get you over the hump. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, writing as a career is a long term commitment. So make quality use of your time each day. It’s not something you should expect to see a profit anytime soon. That is, depending on your connections and confidence. Only you can determine how quickly you want to move up. Good luck!

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