Are you bored yet? As a creative how could you ever really be bored? As a writer there is an endless amount of material to tackle that can be told through your voice. Believe it or not this is what any artist could have asked for. More time to focus on your craft, and let your imagination run wild.


Right now we all feel like animals in a cage as we pace back and forth within our surrounding walls wondering when this will end, but this can be a blessing in disguise depending how you choose to use the time you have.

If you’re having trouble thinking of what to write, try to clear your mind from the madness of your job, the media, and social media by keeping up with a well balanced day and week. Sleep well, eat healthy, drink plenty of water, keep up with your hygiene, stretch, exercise, play video or board games, listen to music, go for a drive, and go outside to connect with nature. Stressed out cause you have family to care for? Have a drink, a smoke, or something sweet to relax you, but most importantly, BREATHE.

Never forget, WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW. Go through the ideas you’ve written on your phone or notepad and build off of them. At some point you’ll tire yourself of the excuses for not writing anything, and “JUST DO IT!” Thank you Nike. When you want something bad enough you will find the time.

Depending on the genre you’re trying to write it’s always best to fill yourself with as much knowledge about the subjects you’re writing about. Get in the mood. Watch movies or shows, look up similar stories and listen to music.

Music helps me decide what to write. It’s the reason I write in the first place. Whether it’s watching Bloodsport’s inspiring training montage or Blow’s, Boston George, losing himself to Lynard Skynard’s, “That Smell”, before his child is born, there is inspiration in those moments. Let this be the time to prepare yourself for the next step in your creative journey.

Thoughts/suggestions/hopes and dreams? Send them to us at!