First things first - the URL for IndieSkript has changed! If you were previously going to a URL like , you should now change that to … Please update all of your bookmarks! We will not be moving this link again - I’m sorry for the inconvenience!

Today is a big day for online script writing - we’ve released a slew of updates for the IndieSkript tool focused on improving the service after feedback from our many users!

One of the first things you’ll notice is the addition of a “Dashboard” page which will be used to tie the various IndieTools together. (We’ve got some great things in the pipeline!) Tell us a little bit about yourself and participate in the growing community of filmmakers. (Shameless plug here for our (community forum)[] - check it out!) Once you fill out your info, you can choose to “bookmark” your role as a writer so you will automatically be taken to IndieSkript upon logging in (as opposed to the new dashboard).

Another huge improvement we’ve made is to our PDF export functionality. Not only does the PDF export now happen 10x faster, the text in PDFs is now clearer and more consistent.

Likewise, we’ve overhauled our autosave functionality to ensure that it doesn’t make any destructive changes without first getting your permission. If an autosave tries to submit a script significantly smaller than what is already stored in the database, it will reject the save, disable autosave, and give you a message that it has done so. If you’d like to force the destructive save and renable autosav, you can do so by manually pressing the save button. Easy!

The final major update isn’t something that everyone is likely to use, but while we’re shaking things up, we figured that we’d give people the option to try something new… Enhanced mobile editing!

This one’s a bit new for us (and rather untested in industry as a whole), so we’d love to get your feedback as we iterate on the design to make editing your scripts on the go as easy as it is on your computer.

And last but not least, we’ve fixed a variety of bugs around user experience.

Things to be on the lookout for next:

  • Final Draft imports (easily import your old scripts from legacy tools into IndieSkript) - (Friends don’t let friends use Final Draft.)
  • Alts (alernative dialogue) - and we won’t be limiting them to a single line, in fact, you’ll be able to alt entire sections!
  • “Character” screens for fleshing out your character analysis
  • Tooling for treatments/beat boards/story maps with an eye towards keeping them “living” (the ability to change them as you work and easily incorporate that into your final script)