There is no doubt that the art of screenwriting and the moving image is a impeccably respected art form. Every memorable blockbuster has started with a well written screenplay. One that packs a successful emotional punch with its audience. The current reality in the this industry is that finding a compelling screenplay has become alarmingly difficult. In today’s cinematic circulation there seems to be an excess of predictable and what I would consider almost “semi-cloned” material.

Why does there seem to be a shortage of creativity on the big screen? Why do most screenplays fail? The art of screenwriting is; bringing to life an imaginative and out-of-the-box cinematic vision. The surface research on this topic shows that there is a rather specific formula or mold that a screenwriter should follow when creating a masterpiece. The deeper I found myself in this research, it appears that by creating this formula or fail safe it effectively forces the screenwriter to fit their imagination into a mold, that overtime has made for repetitive and boring material.

We have approached a time where we must take a step back and reevaluate outdated rules and conventions that may be putting even the slightest of caps on a writers imagination. We must begin to explore and implement alternatives that allow the writer to utilize all of their unique expressions to tell a story that showcases and encompasses the writers individual creativity while emotionally impacting their audience.